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interraciallife.com article

Dating in 2015

Post date: 2015-04-16

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest Yikes! All these social media tools to connect to people. There are almost too many options when it comes to expanding your dating circle.

Youtube is filled with experts on Pick up, Dating and Relationships. If you really think about it, the age that we live in is the time of the Jetsons come true! We have video phone capabilities that will allow us to do what George Jetson did and so much more! This is really Utopia compared to what our past generations had to deal with.

So with all this great stuff happening where's the "but". Yes you knew that it was coming didn't you ;) Despite all of these options to meet our better half's, there still seems to be a gap in finding that special someone that technology doesn't seem to completely close. It is easier don't get me wrong. However like my college Professor used to say. "Technology is an accelerator, it is not a business model".

Wise words if you ask me. With that said, all of these great sites, "Interraciallife.com" included, are all ways to find that special someone however in itself they cannot be your end all and be all. What's more considering the hundreds of new options that keep poppin up, You can end up being so distracted by new options that you have little time to explore any in detail.

This is why it is best to find what works for you whether that is Interracial Dating based, twitter based or maybe even Instagram and stick with it. Use it as an addition to what should already be a strong social life.

That special someone may be that new friend request on Facebook, that cute girl on your friend's Instagram page or maybe that girl at the end of the counter at Starbucks.

Where ever you are. Make that move.

You will be happy that you did.

Steve Johnson
100% Free Interracial Dating