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interraciallife.com article

Interracial Dating in 2012

Post date: 2012-03-08

So its a New Year a decade into the millennium. Whats new? Whats still the same? Well in terms of what matters to us -everything about dating,
a lot is different. When it came to writing this blog something occurred to me. Is the term Interracial Dating even relevant? At the end of the day there
are differences between humans and there always will be. When you canvas the landscape especially in the world of celebrities it almost seems that its
becoming more difficult for us to sustain long lasting relationships. In a world of instant gratification. A world full of mobile phones, tablets, apps and social networks we are connected more than ever and arguably disconnected as much as ever.

I can't help going back to a conversation that I had with a single woman a few weeks back. She commented on the way that a young gentlemen casually discussed the end of his last relationship. She specifically said "I am so stunned at how expendable people have become." It made me think. Are we quick to discard relationships just like out of season clothing when we get bored, tired and a little annoyed. Well maybe.

But back to the topic today. Interracial dating. The landscape shows more couples of different ethnic backgrounds more now then ever. There's a "casualness" that wasn't there years back. I remember sitting back in a college study area just a year ago with a friend of mine who happens to be a blonde model. A girl passing by stopped to make some small talk, inquire if we were dating while stating "you guys make an awesome couple". The comment was so flippant that it made me think should I consider changing the name of this site to something else? Maybe Hot People Dating, Rich Men and Richer Women, Young Hot and Horny.. Ok no no that's not good.

Also in researching for this topic (yes seriously researching) I read Robert Greene's The Art of Seduction and was intrigued by his classification of "The Exotic Fetishist" type of person. He goes on to say "Most of us are excited and intrigued by the exotic...But with this type, "if you do not at least appear to come from a different background or race, or to have some alien aura, you should not even bother." This basic point is something that we all know. Opposites attract. Whether that is opposite personality, body types or races. Friends of mine who use other generic sites often mention that they are suprised at the types of females that reach out to contact them. These women are from every socioeconomic class and education level. They are doctors, lawyers, businesswomen and every other profession. And the women do not have any of the traditional indicators like a love of a certain type of movie or vacation destination. They are as straight laced (and often not so straight laced) as they come.

So in response to the question posed: The title Interracial Dating is probably not needed because at the end of the day we are people just looking for other people. Quite beautiful and charismatic people by the way! However in order for us to save everyone time we will keep the name the same. "Interraciallife.com" it is. So basically if the routine visit to Starbucks, church or the supermarket isn't panning out, check us out, you're special match may be sitting here waiting impatiently ;)
